When i posted a status saying "I'm Single" with a big smile on YM, MSN and SKYPE, shoooo many orang buzz me asking......
"Kau dah single?"
"What do u mean by that "single"?"
"Wen, kau serious ke weyh?"
"Bile u single ni?"
"Aku masuk line can?"
"Nape single tapi happy wen?Confuse"
"Wen happy ke bile single?"
"Ish biar betul u single? I tgk u both happy jek"
"Wendut....what happened????"
"Wen r u ok?"
"Sayang, clash keee?"
"Eh status u???"
Hahahhahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaa commmmel Wendut rase they all ni :D macam artis pulak rasenya, aww :p Well people tanx kerana menjadikan Wendut celebrity of the day, owh sungguh tak menang tangan untuk membalas semua pertanyaan reporter and peminat2 sekalian.. hahaha I'M HAPPY people, thank you :D
Btw, about the status................................................I'M HAPPY TO BE ALONE FOR NOW =D