Sunday, September 7, 2008

To Do List

Apparently, between hanging with the superfluous school works, blogging, taking mom's to market, helping with housework, completing my brothers extras thingy, and shopping for fall clothes, I can only get one thing done on my to-do list per day. Oh well, at least no one is complaining (yet!)

NOTE-to-FARAH : YES! everyday to-do-list and it NEVER seems to stop =p


Anonymous said...

wen's TO-DO-LIST~

dari dulu sampai sekarangla u buat ni kan? asal dgn u mst tb2 "eh u jap.ttb i trigt nak jot down sumting" n u'll dig out ur cute purple wif flower organizer and start jotting down ntah segala macam yang ade dlm mind u. heheee thot da stop,still ade lagi eh =p

aj wen said...

rizal-hahahaa u igt lagi tu...mestila still ade lagi. if not lupe sume bende. u kan penah ckp, i ni nyanyok =p but now everywhere i jot down, not just in that purple organizer =D

Anonymous said...

so skrg kita boleh bersyukur sedikit kerana kita telah pergi melawat syarikat itu. tinggal membuat karangan dan selesaiiii. ahhh indahnyaaa :P ok dah gila. obviously im hungrayyyyyyhhh here :P

aj wen said...

farah-iya betuuuullllll...tapi babe dun 4get, next wik kite dah kene start 4 hook by crook tau sbb nanti nak berayeeee (in purpose to collect duit raye..huahuahua =p)