Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wen cacit poyot :(

You guys see this?
This is Breacol Cough Syrup
but Why with this med?
Can you see the red circle there?
YES, that's the expired date
It was a year ago
But wth its been doing in the fridge?
and the WORST part,
and now
aku guling guling macam tenggiling
because of the unwelcomed stomach ache!!!
HELP ME!!!!!


rizal said...

anda mempunyai masa selama 3 hari je lagi.sila tuliskan wasiat2 anda dengan kadar segera.wakakaka no no,mcm mnla u ni tau.how come u tak perasan it's expired? habis tu ni tgh guling2 mcm tenggiling lagilah ek?LOL i can imagine u berguling :p

aj wen said...

hahaaha its more then 3 days oredi :p i masih sihat n makin GEMUKS!! how tu? hahaa mcm biaselah wen clumsy never bother those thingy :p

rizal said...

i rase kan wen, ubat tu kot yg buat u makin makin makin gemok! baik u check entah2 your bro ganti appeton weight gain yg telah dibasikan menjadi kaler hitam dlm bottle tu.aiyok tatayok!

aj wen said...

owh i like ur "aiyok tatayok" hahahahhahahahaha aku benci si rizal ni..bongok senget sengal!!!

(eh tak jawab soalan u ek..LANTAK :p)