We are gone for the weekend! Plus weekdays :p Yeah were only going 45 minutes away, (with speed jet :p) but Destination Relaxation here we come. We are heading out to stay the weekend in a luxury shopping space with luxury money to spend!!!Oh did I mention its luxury money?! Home away from the high tax country we call home.
So, adios amigos we are out of here!
I have tons of things to do like run all over buying last minute necessities, and pack by 6 am in the morning. So, tried and out of breath off I go run run run... (crossing my fingers & hoping we have lots of fun!)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check list for packing the plane + the journey
1. Lots of chocs (Busy mouths can't complain about how much further it is! And we all know the two sisters is always starving) Check
2. Cooler with drinks (Setting myself up for disaster on a long walkway with no clean bathrooms!!) Check
3. Puke bags (for the weary roads) Check
4. Extra clothes, towels & jug of water (Just in case I miss the puke bag and I repeat the last time we made this trip!) Check, check, double check check!
5. Nerve pills (I wish!) & Anti-nausea medicine for me (just in case I have to clean up my own puke!) I wish - Check
NOTE : Dear readers, referring to
this post in conjunction with this post, people might think my previous results was soooooooooo teruk..(hahhaaah tanx Dzullia, u made me realized these post relates each other with snooping thoughts by others :p ......DEAR PEOPLE, I'VE BEEN GROUNDED NOT BECAUSE OF THE RESULT (dimana result Wendut tak seteruk mana sehingga nak digrounded) BUT BECAUSE OF ME MYSELF YG SEMAKIN SUKAR DIKAWAL :D, sekian.....). With bad economic downturn (I knew were not get effected much, yet still its affect!!) the destination changed :D (but who cares, JALAN jugak kaaan :p)