Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cerita hari semalam

People people people!!

My car got hit by a drunk old ca ya nun aliff while I’m driving to school yesterday!! The worst part was he went out from his car in unconscious condition, unzipped and unbuttons pants, smiling like not knowing anything and incessantly pursing his lips toward me WTF!! Called THM for the price of the reparation and asked him to pay me. He refused and tried to seduce me oh WTF WTF WTF WTF!! Few minutes after, dad came and had a slow talk with him. Cool je daddy confront and me still like crazy women asked him to be fast (I’m late for school people, its 6.15 and I’m still at my housing area!!). Got the money and made my way to school. Feel annoyed not because of the damages but because of the old mad cow!! Hiiissh tak pernah pulak accident dgn org mabuk ni…Hmmm…….

After Subuh prayer this morning dad had a talk with me.

“Dik, next times don’t be too harsh. I knew it was his fault but I think you shouldn’t
yelled to him like that”

“I’ve no idea nape I marah sangat dad. I noe sikit je… Maybe because of him kot…..”

~Daddy sayaaang, I have to be that way. Orang lelaki mmg tak boleh diberi muka nnt dipijak kepala. Orang perempuan tak boleh lemah, if you know its right to do what you think is right, just do!! Baru orang lelaki takuuuttttt…right giiirrrlllsss????!!!

(Sorry there's no Wordless Wednesday post today due to this entry)


rizal said...

"unzipped and unbuttons pants, smiling like not knowing anything and incessantly pursing his lips toward me" hahaha i can imagine bila ca ya nun aliff yang dah tua kerepot tu buat u macam tu! hahaha i'll call u tonight after tarawikh dear. nak tanye khabar kereta u..hahha

khairuld7 said...

poor u!!
was that the same reason u called me asking bout the student card & upm bus yada yada yada?
sorry sorry sorry dear i didnt know..
dah tanye ninin.. dia kate haah kena ade student card..sbb ade driver bus yg sgt senget cam wendut gak so dia nak check tgk ade student card ke tak..
xoxo *infinity times* <3 <3 <3
hope u feel better now..
hahah me love the second last sentence.. hohoho..
btol btol btol.. org lelaki ni mmg x leh bagi muka!! huhu..
but for last ayat.. mmg x leh blah.. excuses!! tak kire!! kamu dah hutang byk wordless wednesday ok!! ngrrr

aj wen said...

rizal- hahhaha call i stakat nk bahan i ngn ca ya nun aliff yang mcm ba aliff ba ya tu bek takyah okkkkeeeeeehhh!!!! ba wau dal wau ha u ni tau!! hahaha u call i smalam terus miss u gile ba aliff ba ya (haha ramadhan takleh ckp direct nnt pose tak diterima.. hahha pndai2 je :p)

d7- haha i loike ur comment dear! dlm kesian2 sempat kate driver bus tu senget mcm wendut..hahha haaa betul kan! org lelaki mmg!!
aiyaaa wordless wed tu mmg dah bykla utang..hihii nnt wen post FFF esok ok :)mesti dzudzu suke jugak :D (cecee perasan :p)